Bulletin Board

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Small_key = members only

Quelle: www.flickr.de
Congress in Gouda, The Netherlands
Since 2009, European farmhouse cheesemakers and their representatives have met once a year to exchange ideas, discuss important topics and exchange experiences. This event of FACE (Farmhouse and Artisan Cheese & Dai... more
Quelle: www.face-network.eu
Previous results
A delegation of FACEnetwork met European Commission services in Brussels on Friday, 20th June 2014 concerning the following topics: A financial line will be opened in 2014 in the European Commission’s budget to financ... more
Quelle: www.irishcheese.ie
UCC, Ireland from the 24th to the 27th of April 2013
It has been a month since the 5th European Farmhouse and Artisan Cheesemakers Congress took place here in Cork, Ireland. We hope that all of you who participated found the congress both informative and enjoyable. A sinc... more
3rd Polish Festival of Farmhouse and Traditional Cheeses on 7-9th June
It’s already the third edition of Polish Festival of Farmhouse and Traditional Cheeses “Time For Cheese” in Lidzbark Warmiński, Poland. This year the producers and farmhouse cheese lovers meet on 7-9th June. Every year the... more
to the 5th European Farmhouse and Artisan Cheesemakers Congress
Dear Cheesemakers! The 5th European Farmhouse and Artisan Cheesemakers Congress will take place in Cork, Ireland in April of this year. The congress is a three day event, incorporating farm visits on Thursday the 25th, a c... more
Quelle: www.face-network.eu
Presseecho und Artikel zur Gründung
Mitte Oktober gründeten Hofkäsereiverbände aus 12 Ländern den europäischen Verband “FACE” mit Sitz in Paris. FACE steht für Farmhouse and Artisan Cheesemakers European Network. Ziel des neuen Verbandes ist es die Vielfa... more
Europäisches Rezeptbuch mit Ziegenfleischrezepten Small_key
Rezeptbuch ist jetzt auf französisch verfügbar
Im Rahmen der FACE-Arbeitsgruppe “Ziegenfleisch” wurde ein europäisches Rezeptbuch mit Ziegenfleischrezepten aus verschiedenen Ländern zusammengestellt. Aktuell steht dieses Rezeptbuch in französischer Sprac... more

Farmhouse and Artisan Cheese & Dairy Producers European Network (FACEnetwork)
42, rue de Châteaudun, 75314 Paris Cedex 09, France, e-mail: info@face-network.eu