We had meetings with 5 Members of Parliament (MEP) or their assistants.
The main topics spoken were:
1. FACE’s request for the creation of a European Committee about the implementation of the GGHP and about flexibility
2. The importance of training the local inspectors specifically about small scale dairies and about the GGHP
3. The possible revision of the Hygiene Package
4. Possible financial support for the building of the raw milk scientific network (created in Valencia)
5. The “front of pack” nutritional labelling (eg: Nutriscore…)
6. The regulation about vegetable carbon (charcoal) in organic cheese
All the MEPs and assistants met payed a real attention to our issues and they were positives. We agreed to keep in touch. Some concrete actions may follow in 2020.
Quelle: www.face-network.eu
FACE’s delegation in Brussels at the European
Parliament on 20 11 2019:
Sophie Espinosa, Yolande Moulem, Kerstin Jürss,
Remedios Carrasco, Frédéric Blanchard
Quelle: www.face-network.eu
With Felix Tuchais and Jean-Marc Desfilhes, assistants of French MEP Benoit Biteau (Group of the Greens)
Quelle: www.face-network.eu
With Anna Emmanuelson, assistant of Swedish MEP Jytte Guteland (Group Progressive alliance of Socialists and Democrates)
Quelle: www.face-network.eu
With Clara Aguilera, Spanish MEP (Group Progressive alliance of Socialists and Democrates)
Quelle: www.face-network.eu
With Taru Jokinen, assistant of Finnish MEP Elsi
Katainen (Group Renew Europe)
Quelle: www.face-network.eu
With Jacques Loyau, assistant of French MEP Eric
Andrieu (Group Progressive alliance of Socialists
and Democrates)