
Caseus Veneti 2019

Invitation to Interregional Competition of farm cheeses

Caseus Veneti 2019” will take place in Villa Contarini in Piazzola sul Brenta (PD), on Saturday 28th and on Sunday 29th of September 2019.

Caseus Veneti, born initially just to enhance the regional cheeses, exceeded for some years the number of 400 cheeses in the competition,. The different types of cheese are divided into 36 categories, which take into account the 8 PDOs, the typical and traditional ones and the peculiarities that our cheesemakers know how to express.

The visibility that Caseus Veneti has now (during the two days of the last edition of the event there were 40,000) requires today a national and international opening and considering that the presence of the farm dairies, who received special awards, was more and more significant the Promoting Committee decided to “extend” the Competition by creating a special section for them.

Thus was born the “Fattoria National Cheese Contest – Caseus Veneti 2019”, which will follow the rigorous dynamics that have made Caseus Veneti a reference for national competitions, and to which you are invited to participate with your products.

Quelle: www.caseusveneti.it

Source: www.caseusveneti.it

Date: 03-02-2022
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