
FACEnetwork’s lobbying actions

Previous results

A delegation of FACEnetwork met European Commission services in Brussels on Friday, 20th June 2014 concerning the following topics:

  • A financial line will be opened in 2014 in the European Commission’s budget to finance the realization of a guide for good hygiene practices for farmhouse and artisan cheese and dairy producers!

    This is a direct result of the previous meetings of FACEnetwork at European Parliament and Commission. The financial support will be available through a call for tender which is publically opened in July 2014. All concerning organizations are allowed to apply.

  • The services in charge with nutritional labelling did take into account our proposition to work on possibilities of derogations for farmhouse and artisan cheeses and dairy products concerning nutritional labeling.

    They presented propositions to the Member states concerning the conditions to enter the derogation of this labelling scheme. They have also encouraged us to continue by elaborating a position paper and propose it to member states.

  • The notion of an adapted application of the Hygiene Package to small scale food producers practices (“flexibility”) is now integrated in all the training programs of BTSF (training program of DG Sanco for national sanitary inspectors).

    The training about “Food Hygiene and Flexibility” organised by the “Better Training for Safer Foods” European Commission Program, is launched the first week of July in Parma (Italy).
Date: 03-02-2022
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